KEWAI-DOU is about The Sims3 & The Sims4 hair or accessories etc MOD made by Mia Kewai.

Cavallo (Hair for The Sims3)



Thank you for model’s clothing by Weeky, ShojoAngel, and bukovka.

  • ザ・シムズ3男女両用髪型
  • 年代: 全年齢
  • メッシュ: オリジナル
  • テクスチャ: オリジナル
  • 作者: 巳亜
  • シムズ2コンバート: Digital Angelsさん作
The Sims 3 hairstyle “Cavallo” for Unisex and allage.
  • Unisex Hair for The Sims3
  • Generation : Allage
  • Mesh : Original
  • Texture : Original
  • Author : Mia Kewai
  • For Sims2 convert: by DigitalAngels

* Please agree with User policy (T.O.U.) before download.

icon-save Download Male hair icon-save Download Female hair

icon-save Download Child hair icon-save Download Toddler hair


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Comment or trackback

  1. Hallonsmurfen より:

    I can not download this hair… When I come to the dowload page I choose regular download, but it doesn’t work. They say I need to register and choose high speed, but I don’t want to do that. It’s, because this is a stunning hair. :(

    It’s sad*

    But now when I chose to download the different ages seperatly it worked, maybe it’s something with the Allage-file? (Sorry for lots of comments.)

    • Mia@admin より:

      I was relieved to hear that your matter was already solve.
      If you don’t know something next time, I suggest to refer to “How to download“.
      As written at link text, upper link is “Allage & both genders” file. And lower links are each genders or generation files.
      Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it.

  2. fleurdeluce より:

    finally it comes!!!
    I will try it in my game at once!

  3. lucy より:

    Hallonsmurfen…Thats the same thing that happened to me.
    Great hair though.

  4. Darkling より:

    Yet another gorgeous creation! I’ve fallen in love with your hairs and think I have almost every one in my game.

    And I love your child and toddler eyelashes. I know they are just for your private use, but they are truly gorgeous! ^_^

    • Mia@admin より:

      Thank you very much! About child and toddler eyelashes, if I could make it perfectly, I will think about sharing. Ummm although it probably difficult.
      Anyway, thank you for your message and using many my hairs. :)

Cavallo (Hair for The Sims3)

KEWAI-DOU is about The Sims3 & The Sims4 hair or accessories etc MOD made by Mia Kewai.

Copyright© KEWAI-DOU , 2014 All Rights Reserved.

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