KEWAI-DOU is about The Sims3 & The Sims4 hair or accessories etc MOD made by Mia Kewai.

Lezginka (Hair for The Sims3)


ザ・シムズ3男女両用髪型です。 この髪型は Masquerade hair のサイドが短めバージョンとなっております。Masqueradeよりはクセが少なめ?前回がマスカレードだったので、今回はハチャトゥリアンのバレエ組曲から。

Thanks for clothes by M029

The Sims 3 hairstyle “Lezginka” for male and female.
  • Unisex Hair for The Sims3
  • Generation : Teen to Elder
  • Mesh : Original
  • Texture : Original
  • Author : Mia Kewai
  • Other version: Child and toddler version

* Please agree with User policy (T.O.U.) before download.

closeup image

KEWAI_Lezginka_up KEWAI_Lezginka_up2

icon-save Download Male hair

icon-save Download Female hair


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  1. carrot より:

    SO HANDSOME!!!!!

    • Mia@admin より:

      Thank you! I also have used M029’s poses in male sample image. The facial expression in poses are my favorite. :D

  2. k.s より:

    LOVE IT!!

  3. CaramelCookie より:

    Looks so good :3
    And ive got a question, sorry maybe its stupid to ask, but i dont understand it in the user policity. When i upload a sims to sims 3 communitys exchange with this hair, is it allowed if i write “Hair by Kewai-Dou” in the description? Or is it forbidden?

    • CaramelCookie より:

      * i mean can i upload a sims with this hair if i write your websites name into the description?

    • Mia@admin より:

      Thank you for ask me it. Ummm…. Even if you wrote my credit on description, please don’t including my mod in your sharing file. (._. )
      Although I dislike redistribution originally, the custom MOD is Non-regular item, and it has risks. If it happens trouble by sims3pack file which was included custom MOD, it’s hard to find the cause of the trouble, and fix it.
      e.t.c… there are some reasons at my user policy. However it’s difficult to explain in English. (=_=;)

      Thank you for your understanding. I hope you enjoy! :)

  4. Sintiklia より:

    As always amazing hair! I love your texture(i think you changed it last time), it is always soft and beautiful and your sims are amazing, you have good graphics card in your game:D

    • Mia@admin より:

      Hi, Sintiklia! Thank you! :D
      Yes,that’s right! Although I have used usually texture at Lezginka, I have changed texture at Masquerade. I always continue to trial-and-error at make the texture. (+_+) And I can’t get a pleasing result yet. But your words are encouraging for me. Thanks! :)
      By the way, your new long hairstyle is sooooo gorgeous! Someday, I’d like to make a long hairstyle as like you. XD

  5. Louis より:

    wowwwww !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much !! what a beautiful hair !!!
    btw, can i have that guy ??? :(

    • Mia@admin より:

      Hi, Louis! Thank you for your comments again. :)
      I don’t sharing my model sims, but I’m glad to heard that you like my male model sim! XD Enjoy!

  6. Keyla より:

    Hi, those hairstyles are really beautiful, well done, thanks.

  7. Louis より:

    ok, :( i got it
    but.. you can tell me cc, sliders , cant you ?

    • Mia@admin より:

      Ummm… Please reference a reply which for Auxi in this post.
      Also I have use Slider Hack 2X by S-Club, and the lips which made by M029.

  8. Rubyna より:

    Will you make this hair and Masquerade available for children as well soon?? =D
    Thank you for the awesome works! Really appreciate them and I love them all~!! 8DD

    • Mia@admin より:

      To be honest, I didn’t think about children version of Masquerade and Lezginka.
      If I make other ages, it might be after a while. Because I already started to make a new hairstyle. However I’m going to not forget your suggestion. Thank you! :)

  9. hjpotpourri より:

    Thank you!! This hair is beautiful!

Lezginka (Hair for The Sims3)

KEWAI-DOU is about The Sims3 & The Sims4 hair or accessories etc MOD made by Mia Kewai.

Copyright© KEWAI-DOU , 2014 All Rights Reserved.

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