

KEWAI-DOU is about The Sims3 & The Sims4 hair or accessories etc MOD made by Mia Kewai.

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年の瀬で色々私生活が忙しいんですが・・・・・ ふぉぉぉぉおお!まっちー!・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

彼はちょっと特殊なところがあるんですが、盲目的にナルシストというわけでもなく現実を俯瞰して見て、冷静に捉えることができる人だと思います。一見するとちょっと自分の世界に入っちゃってる人かなー?って感じだけど、まあ、確かに入ってるところはあると思うけど、表現者として求めるべき独自の世界があるのは大切です。それはともかくとして、自分を取り巻く状況を冷静に見れるからこそ、自分の苦境を理解し、それを演技一本で戦ってきたのがまっちーだと思います。この人ほど実力だけで自分の道を抉じ開けてきた人は中々いないです。それは反骨精神の塊のよう。そういえば、一度彼の「怒りの日(Dies irae)」を見てみたかった、モーツアルトのほうね。

あ、そういえば忙しくて全然TwitterとかTumblrとかチェック出来ていません、すみません。っていうかシムズ関連の情報は殆ど触れていないここ一ヶ月(・ω・) メールチェックとサーチの管理だけはしていますが、私生活が忙しいときは中途半端に情報を見ないようにしています。チェックしちゃうとやる時間が無いのに気になっちゃうからね。


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縁側らしきソレ(正式名称が知りたい) に蚊取り線香やら何やら







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  1. NavI より:

    Support from Hong Kong !! Your works are really amazing !!! I LOVE them and hope to see more masterpieces from you <3

    • Mia@admin より:

      Welcome and thank you for your warm support! XD
      Although that place became the park now, I’m interested in Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong.(I have a portfolio of there lol)
      In this year, I’m going to express my favorite world view. :) I’ll try my best!

  2. Digitalangels より:

    Happy New Year to you, hopefully real life gets less busy for you soon! ^-^

    • Mia@admin より:

      Happy new year to you too, Digitalangels! :)
      Thank you for your concern. I hope that 2015 finds you happy and successful! ^^

  3. Lenne より:

    Yes, but I still find time for Sims’ing in between running like a headless chicken (^^,)
    I have a Q for you; is there ANY way you could convert the 3000Tumblr hair (Noctis Lucis Caelum inspired) for Sims 4? That was my fav hair of all time – perfection, really. And I am thinking of going back to TS3 just because of that hair XD
    Thank you for being amazing, and I wish you the best of luck and happiness :)

    • Mia@admin より:

      I think Tumblr3k hair is hard to convert to TS4 without issue. TS4 transparent hair has some problems. And the shape of Tumblr3k hair is weak in that problem. (It has many layer and curly hair.) If convert it, I’d like to do as perfect.
      However I’m glad to hear that Tumblr3k is your favorite. Thank you :D I wish this year will be the happiest and best for you!

  4. Kelony より:

    Happy new year!!! I hope you have a wonderful year this 2015~ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

    Yeees, New Year sure can’t get busy, I’d love to just stay in bed with a nice cup of hot chocolate but that’s just my wishful thinking, haha. Hopefully things will fall into a better pace for you so you can relax even if a bit! ^o^

    • Mia@admin より:

      Happy new year to you too, Kelony! XD (Wow! It’s a nice face mark! lol)
      We were seeing the old year out while drinking sake, but I think hot chocolate is also good! May the new year bring you a lot of happiness and smiles!

  5. Ruru より:

    Happy New Year! :)


KEWAI-DOU is about The Sims3 & The Sims4 hair or accessories etc MOD made by Mia Kewai.

Copyright© KEWAI-DOU , 2014 All Rights Reserved.

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